Who Are We?

Hibernian Supporters Limited (HSL) is a group of over 2,400 ordinary Hibs supporters. We care passionately about our Club and want to give more financial support to the Club we love dearly. These supporters are the owners of HSL, which is a Company Limited by Guarantee. The sole purpose of HSL is to help improve our Club.

Our Goals

We now own 18.16% of the Club. Our goal is to achieve at least 26% ownership.

20% stake – we can elect a Board member to Hibernian Football Club
26% stake – we have a meaningful vote on all major Club issues

Our Beliefs

HSL believes that fan ownership should revolve around these three key principles:

Democracy. Our ‘one Member, one vote’ system ensures all voices are equal. In this structure money does not buy influence.
Transparency. All our Members are just ordinary fans. We believe that lack of clarity in ownership is inconsistent with the very principles of community ownership.
Not for Profit. As we do not have shareholders we have no desire to make profit and no need to pay dividends. Funds raised are intended for Hibs.

We enjoy the full support of the widely recognised group, Supporters Direct Scotland. HSL is independently owned by our Members, and five of our seven Directors are appointed by our Members.

James Adie

James Adie

Businessman - Chair

After university Jim followed a career in banking. Working for a major UK bank, he operated at a senior level and latterly worked in strategic planning. Jim first approached the Club to promote the benefits of Fan ownership in 2006 and was instrumental in bringing together the Club and supporters to establish HSL. Like his dad before him, Jim has followed Hibs his whole life and for many years has been a strong supporter of the fan ownership model.

Stephen Dunn

Stephen Dunn

Hibernian FC Director

Stephen Dunn is a passionate Hibernian supporter and Edinburgh Club member. The former Club Director (1998-2006), who helped create Hibernian Historical Trust, was approached by the Board to serve as one of two Club nominees on the board of Hibernian supporters. Stephen says, “I see this as a huge opportunity for all supporters to come together and have a greater voice in our Club.”

Leeann Dempster

Leeann Dempster

Chief Executive, Hibernian FC

Leeann Dempster was appointed Chief Executive of Hibernian FC in June 2014. She took up the post after several successful seasons of leading Motherwell FC, including achieving two runner-up slots, a third place slot, and top-half finishes in all five full seasons in which she was in charge . As well as her record in providing successful football leadership, Leeann’s commitment to greater community engagement was a key driver in her appointment.

Jackie McNamara

Jackie McNamara

Hibernian Legend

One of Hibernian's best and proudest captains, Jackie is also a staunch supporter and a well-known face at Easter Road. He says, "This is a fantastic opportunity for all Hibees to really get behind the Club, a Community Club where all profits and income are ploughed back into the Club, and of course ideally removing costs such as bank and finance interest and leaving the manager with more money to invest in the players. I fully support a united Hibernian supporters ownership model. Glory, Glory."

Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith


Gordon has been a long supporter of the fan ownership concept. He is very excited about returning the Club to community ownership and feels this is a real opportunity for the fans to have a voice in their football club. He was born in sunny Leith and runs a successful painting & decorating business. He also enjoys cycling in between following his beloved Edinburgh Hibees, and has raised many tens of thousands of pounds for the Edinburgh Marie Curie hospice. He will never forget that sunny day in May. GGTTH.

Harris Cains

Harris Cains


Harris has been a life long Hibs supporter. He has held a season ticket since the age of 5, and travels to as many away games as possible. Harris got involved with HSL, as he sees the positive impact fan ownership will have on the club he loves. He wants to help promote HSL to the wider Hibernian family, and assist in attracting more Hibs fans to get involved with HSL. Harris is looking forward to more days, like that day in May.